
Glacial Hills Venues finds new ownership

Glacial Hills Venues finds new ownership

WATHENA, KS – Glacial Hills Venues, located on the east end of Wathena, will continue what it does best, hosting events,... more ››

“The A, B, C ’s of Me” Book

Elwood Resident Publishes First Book, Reads at Doniphan County Library

Melanie C. Davis, of Elwood published her first children’s book in December of 2020, and it can be found on... more ››

10-Digit Dialing Required Soon

10-Digit Dialing Required Soon

On July 16, 2020, the FCC adopted an Order (FCC 20-100) approving 988 as the 3-digit abbreviated dialing code to reach the National Suicide... more ››

New Business

Doniphan County Chamber celebrates three new businesses in November

Several new small businesses continue to open in Doniphan County, keeping the Chamber of Commerce busy welcoming them into the community.... more ››

Chamber Holds Ribbon Cutting for D & D Flowers

Chamber Holds Ribbon Cutting for D & D Flowers

Blair, KS – The Doniphan County Chamber of Commerce celebrated new business D & D Flowers with a red ribbon cutting ceremony on... more ››

Midland Steel

Expansion Underway at Midland Steel

(First appeared in "The Kansas Chief" on January 4, 2018 and written by Paul Stewart, Chief reporter.)
